Meet Emily: founder of Expat Parenting Abroad cover
Meet the Expats

Meet Emily: founder of Expat Parenting Abroad

40min |07/10/2020|




Meet Emily,

Founder of Expat Parenting Abroad.

In this 10th episode 🎉 Emily, mum of two 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧  and expat coach tells how after being an expat 🌎 for 10years in Asia, following her husband to Hong Kong, India, and Taipei, where she could not always work 📚 in a traditional sense, at some point needing more in her life she came up with the idea of Expat Parenting Abroad. Through this business she supports and coaches, mothers and parents in their first expatriation through both group sessions and individual coaching sessions using curated resources📚 and digital courses to come.
Throughout the episode Emily shares valuable tips and perspective on a variety of topics ranging from supporting your teens in their transition when abroad, to the logistics of moving ✈️ your family to a new country, and the hassle of finding the right school when you have a choice. From Third Culture Kids (TCK) qualities to finding yourself, feeling empowered 💪 and what you need to feel complete and balanced.

An episode rich in learnings and full of laughter, you can listen to the two 🎵 songs emily mentions


Musique proposée par La Musique Libre

Not The King - Ice Tea :

Not The King :

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.



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